
Statutes of The International Balint Federation


Developed and approved 1974; Amended on 24th August 2005, 10th September 2011, and 9th September 2017




The Aim and Objects of the Federation:


The Balint method, initiated by Dr. Michael Balint, is a training and research method focusing on the psychological aspects of clinical practice.  Its application to the doctor-patient relationship in general practice has been expanded to encompass the professional–client relationship within the entire medical, psychological, psychiatric and social field.

The goals of the IBF are:

  • to promote and develop Balint training and research thereby fostering the interests of humanistic, psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects of clinical practice
  1. to disseminate this knowledge thus improving the care of the public at large.





Powers in Furtherance of these Objects.


In furtherance of these objects, the Federation through its Council shall have the following powers:

  • To arrange meetings, training and professional development courses and congresses
  • To publish and support publications on the Balint method
  • To participate in scientific congresses in these fields to promote and develop the Balint method and cooperation with other national and international societies and organisations.





The International Balint Federation is legally established as a Swedish charitable organization with an administrative address in Stockholm or any other Swedish municipality decided by the Board

The Federation consists of affiliated Balint Associations that have been

recognised by the Administrative Council. Applications for affiliation must be approved by the Board with subsequent ratification by the Council. The Federation can also promote contacts with individuals or groups who have already adopted the formation and the practice of  the Balint method from countries where no Balint Society exists.


The affiliated associations contribute to the running of the Federation by subscriptions with a dues amount decided every year by the Council.

Members of the Federation who fail to fulfill the criteria for membership will be excluded from the IBF.





The Council, Executive Board and Independent Accountancy Revisors


The Federation is administered by the Council in which every society is represented by four of its members.


The Council elects - by secret ballot - an Executive Board consisting of the President, two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and a General Secretary.


Deputies may be required for the General Secretary or Treasurer if they are unable to attend a meeting. Deputies must be appointed and agreed by the Board.


The Council also elects two Independent Accountancy Revisors, who are independent of the Executive Board to scrutinise the financial and legal actions of the Board.


The Board and Independent Accountancy Revisors are elected for two years.


The President and Vice-Presidents may serve no more than three consecutive terms of office (six years).


The Treasurer and General Secretary and the Independent Accountancy Revisors

may remain in office longer where it is seen to be in the best interests of the Federation and has the support of the Council.


The Minutes of the Council are taken by the General Secretary or deputy and distributed to all Council members within a month of the Council meeting for approval or correction.


The corrected minutes are formally presented to the next Council meeting when the agreed minutes are signed by the President, General Secretary and Treasurer (or their deputies) and at least one other Board member as a correct record of the meeting.


The accountancy year of the IBF encompasses January 1- December 31.


The Council appoints IBF representatives to other international fora.





The Council meets at least twice a year, the First meeting between January and June and the Second between July and December. These meetings are convened by its president or by at least a quarter of its members.

The quorum is 10 representatives.


The Executive Board meets twice a year but between meetings is empowered to make decisions per capsulam.

The quorum of the Board is at least half its members.

All Board decisions are brought to a subsequent Council meeting for ratification.




Annual First Council Meeting*


The annual First Council meeting agenda shall always include:

  1. Report of the Board
  2. Report of the Treasurer
  3. Report of the Independent Accountancy Supervisors
  4. Proposal to accept the audited accounts for the previous year thereby relieving the Treasurer and the Executive Board of personal responsibility.
  5. Proposal to accept the Budget for the coming year.
  6. Annual reports from the National Balint Societies





Council members are not permitted to receive a salary for their office. Re-imbursements of expenses alone are permitted. Justifications must be produced.




The Federation General Assembly consists of affiliated members of national societies.

It meets every second year.

The topics for discussion are proposed by the Board with input by the Council.

Reports on Council’s administration are heard as well as the financial and moral situation of the Federation.




The annual takings of the Federation consist of members’ contributions and subscriptions or other acquired means in conformity with the law.




Proposals for modification of the Statutes may be made by the Board or on the recommendation of at least two member societies.

Proposed modifications must be circulated at least one month prior to a General Assembly.

Modifications can only be approved by a two thirds majority of the members present or represented at a General Assembly.




The dissolution of the Federation can only be voted by the majority of two thirds of members present or represented.





In the case of dissolution, the General Assembly appoints one or several trustees who have the onus to liquidate the assets of the Federation.


*First refers to the first meeting in the calendar year









Rules for the Board of the International Balint Federation>


Decision making:


Decisions (including major IBF economic matters) are to be decided in the first instance by the Board where a simple majority decision rules.


The Board members can convey their decisions on the internet (email or Skype) –per capsulam.


Failure of a Board member to answer after at least three attempts over a period of at least 3 months will be interpreted as an abstention (blank vote).


There are no veto rules.

If an issue has been prepared for the Board meeting and if a Board member is not able to attend - he or she can give a vote on the issue beforehand or by internet - provided the alternatives discussed on the internet are clear-cut and not changed at the Board meeting.


Another member of the Board, but only another Board member may act as proxy.

Major decisions are brought to the next Council meeting for discussion, approval or amendment.


No member of the Board may single-handedly make economic decisions. (The task of the Treasurer is to implement the Board and Council decisions.)



Agreed by the Council October 2010 (Oxford)

Ratified by the IBF General Assembly, 10 September, 2011, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Ratified by the IBF General Assembly, 9 September 2017, Oxford, UK