Our new IBF mailing list
We've modernized: In order to better serve those who wish to stay in touch with upcoming IBF events and news, we are starting to use a new mailing list service provided by MailChimp.
This service will allow us to protect the privacy of those on our list while allowing us to include more photos and links to documents without clogging your inbox with large attachments.
We hope you like the change!
Don Nease, President, Paul Sackin, Secretary and the entire Board
June Council Meeting in Northern England
Repeatable content blocks: Repeatable sections are noted with plus and minus signs so that you can add and subtract content blocks. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!
IBF Leadership Conference in Israel
Repeatable content blocks: Repeatable sections are noted with plus and minus signs so that you can add and subtract content blocks. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!